Break Away Blog

Making Sense of the Supreme Court Decisions

Why Break Away + Thoughts After Giving Tuesday

The Weight of A Ballot + Voting Resources
As community collaborators, we know there is no such thing as “not my issue.” Politics are deeply intertwined in our work.

Voting 101: A Comprehensive-ish Guide to Election 2022
Voting shouldn’t be difficult. That’s why we’ve crafted this voting 101 guide — to demystify the voting process and help you come up with a voting plan. And be sure to bookmark our voting 101 resource page.

A Solution Isn’t Always the Answer
A natural reaction to identifying problems is to try and find solutions. But this isn’t always the right move. Especially when it comes to community engagement.

The Ethical Volunteer
We believe in education and looking inward in order to be aware of the privilege you bring into a space. We do it to de-center ourselves and highlight the systems of oppression at play.

Let’s Talk About Liberation
Liberatory movements have been happening for decades. From the Suffragettes and the Civil Rights Movement to Stonewall and the Sunrise Movement, folks have been calling for liberation from systems of oppression.

There is No Planet B
The climate crisis is not some singular event that will happen far into the future. It is happening NOW! According to the President of the UN General Assembly, we only have 9 years to prevent irreversible damage to the climate.

Women are a Force
Women are a force. We blur dichotomies. We break records. We have prowess. We are the fruits of this earth. The nutrients in its soil. The strength behind the wind and the waves. The rain you need in times of drought. The warmth of sunshine. And we are not to be underestimated.

The Importance of Black Stories
Black stories must be told truthfully and honestly. The best way to ensure this is done? Let Black people tell their own stories!

Dr. King Demands More From Us
Dr. King’s actions flowed from his faith which grounded him in love—love both in word and in deed. What many of us have failed to do as individuals and as parts of institutions is interrogate how we benefit from the status quo and renounce white supremacy completely.

To Move Forward, Look Inward
A strong reflection practice is vital for quality community engagement. Reflection is a rare opportunity to process new information and plan for future action.

Do We Need Safe or Brave Spaces?
Over the years, we’ve seen the intentional shift within student and academic affairs to advocate for creating brave spaces over safe spaces. There is an arguable difference, considering the implications of each term.

The Science Behind Instant Friendships
If you’ve ever “clicked” with someone, you’re no stranger to the experience of meeting a new human and feeling an inexplicable bond after just a few short conversations. But, what forms an instant connection?

Be A Good House Guest
We often prepare for these experiences with a self-serving lens, but the eagerness for the experience can often leave out the most important truth: We are visitors in a new place.

When Words Aren’t Enough
Well-respected and irrefutable community collaborator, Nelson Mandela once shared, “Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely daydreaming, but vision with action can change the world.” Action following intent may not be a brand new concept, but it’s important to return to this foundation when moving forward feels like an impossible feat.

Dear Graduates, Community Engagement Looks Different Now
You had a powerful community engagement experience (or experiences). As you walk across the graduation stage to receive your diploma, you’re probably asking yourself does it have to be over? No, but it will look different. You can and should find ways to stay engaged in your program and the Movement.

Dependent Liberation
None of us can be truly free while there is an entire career dedicated to detaining people. A career that is allowed to murder Black folks without consequence.

The Difference Between a Firecracker and a Pilot Light
“Firecrackers go off in a flash, then leave nothing but ashes. I prefer a pilot light—the flame is nothing flashy, but once it is lit, it doesn't go out. It burns steadily, and it burns forever.” — from Walking with the Wind: A Memoir of the Movement by John Lewis

A Commitment To Inward
A common draw to immersive experiences is to get outside of ourselves. In community engagement programs, we witness the recurring pattern of finding disruption in the world we thought we fully understood. Essentially, we relearn what we once thought was true.