Why Break Away + Thoughts After Giving Tuesday
Black & white image; hand holding $1 bill
A few weeks ago, I was able to be on the sidelines of the New York City Marathon while visiting a friend in Brooklyn. I’m a runner, so races always give me a kind of thrill. This day was no different in its thrill, but what was different was the feeling of humanity, of community. There was a feeling in the air of humanity, of community, of comradery. Over 50,000 people ran this year with at least 100,000 spectators, fans, friends, and family. As I stood on the curb, giving high fives, screaming words of encouragement and amazement, I felt like I was amidst the best of humanity. For one day, it felt like an entire city was united around these runners and this race. An enormous community showed up to support and cheer on people as they conquered those 26.2 miles–strangers cheering on strangers, loved ones providing snacks and moral support, a major city clearing the way for every single runner.
I share this story because as the giving season kicks off, it is another opportunity, albeit less localized, to witness the best of humanity. Now, I know the ugly force of capitalism systemically and systematically creates inequalities, making the rich richer and the poor poorer. And yet, activists and scholars have advocated for putting our money in businesses, philanthropies, non-profits etc. that are helping shape the world we want to live in. For over 30 years, as a values-based organization, we have strived daily to contribute to a more just, equitable, and liberatory society. In this last year alone, we have facilitated dozens of workshops on identity consciousness, anti-racism, trans inclusion, ethical storytelling, and so much more. And while we know that we cannot stop that rampant homo/bi/transphobia/antagonism, racism, bigotry, and hate that is coursing through the veins of our nations, we know that we must show up everyday and resist as we work in concert with others to move the needle towards justice.
Since 2020, our staff pushed for changes that shaped the organization and its future trajectory. Thirty years of dispersing principles, values, models, and thoughts throughout the country, face-to-face and over Zoom. During this time, , the movement has changed, shifted priorities, made mistakes, unlearned, and grown. As a leader in the movement, we take our role very seriously and hope we are handling it with a lot of care. That is why in 2020, we strengthened our commitment to anti-racism and liberation following the murders of Black individuals. We also started to take a closer look at the traditional ways in which we (and likely you) did and talked about service, and recognized that this way limited our impact and may have harmed communities. We realized that the ways we had been going about alternative breaks and community engagement didn’t fit the landscape anymore and it didn’t fully align with our values. As a values-driven organization, this forced us to take a hard look at our foundational models like the Active Citizen Continuum and the Eight Components of a Quality Alternative Break. We reevaluated what we wanted our brand to be and what we wanted to communicate to our communities.
These conversations occurred many times before, but it took the pandemic and a reignited global movement for Black lives to push the organization to recommit, refresh, and renew who we are, what we are working towards, and why we show up.
This month often kicks off the time of year where reflections of the past year come to the forefront of our minds. The changing of the seasons, from summer to fall to winter, is also a reminder of the beauty that can come from turning over a new leaf and letting go of that which does not serve anymore. We can see the value in those old leaves, so to speak, but we can optimistically move on with hopes of new things to come. Perhaps these are seeds being planted now or new life that is to be tended with more focus.
December also brings pressures to spend and consume the perfect gift or the item of the season. While we hope you do find the perfect gifts for your loved ones, we also hope that you also consider supporting Break Away (and your other favorite organizations) before the year ends. Giving back is a way to contribute to the world you want to see. As we expand our reach and community, we need all hands on deck to make it possible.
In 2023, we will build off of our community’s brilliance, dedication, humor, kindness, and vision, and aim to push farther and continue to challenge systems structures, and actions that don’t serve to advance justice and liberation. We will strive to show up for our communities through good times and bad and in every season of life and learning.
Giving Resources
Donate to the causes and organizations you care about, like Break Away! Give through this link or on our website!
Volunteer your time with us! Email zidane@break-away.org if you want to help out with some Break Away projects.
In addition to giving to Break Away, check out these tips for other ways to give back this season!