Housing Organizations
Sign up now to help expand our Housing Bank.
This membership is only available for housing organizations.
Free listing for community and housing organizations looking to host volunteer groups. Please share your organization + role when signing up!
the Housing Bank
The Housing Bank is a searchable database only available to our Chapter schools — over 150 community engagement programs — who are committed to building a relationship with the organizations and the communities they serve with.
With an approved listing, you'll be able to update your information for the eager eyes of student and staff leaders. Profiles include housing site and contact information, basic details about the accommodations (showers, kitchen space, etc.) and times you're "open" for groups.
approval Process
Create a free account at break-away [dot] org
Create a free account with Community Box (our third party listing site)
*If you are NOT a community organization, then your access will be removed.
We want to create a friendly and tolerant community that is safe for everyone. Please don't add anything that infringes on other people's copyright, violates any laws, includes images of an exploitative or sexual nature, promotes hate speech or intolerance or discriminates against groups or individuals based on their gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation.