Break Away Blog

There is No Planet B
The climate crisis is not some singular event that will happen far into the future. It is happening NOW! According to the President of the UN General Assembly, we only have 9 years to prevent irreversible damage to the climate.

Of The Earth: Reimagining Nature as Community | Grand Canyon ABCS
When humankind first began to traverse the planet, people and the natural environment were inseparable, symbiotic. This “spiritual interdependence”, as articulated in the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit’s Principles of Environmental Justice, was simply the natural state of things.

Five Years in a Movement, Hundreds of Years in the Making
A couple of weeks ago, our staff attended a lecture by Patrisse Khan-Cullors, co-author of When They Call You a Terrorist at The Carter Center. Patrisse’s book was released in January, five years after she co-founded the Black Lives Matter movement.

In Times of Change, Embrace Each Other
In his essay, An Experiment in Love, Dr. King powerfully explains that nonviolence should never be mistaken for passivity. Rather, nonviolence is an active decision to center the principles of love and community.

We Must Believe Another World Is Possible…and Create It
Our Executive Director spoke to the people in that small room about how we had tasted what it would feel like to live in a society of people who prioritize just and equitable community. In our time together, we had built parts of that vision. If we knew how to build it here, we could build it out there.